Order of the Ceremony

Opening Prayer:
Scott Wessell


Student Hosts:
Mario Flores & Charlotte Gore

Student Testimonies:
Anita Tuoyo-Alegun

Beto Olmos
Alishia Johnson

Charissa Marie Sutliff

Commencement Address:
George Clerie

Certificate Ceremony:
George Clerie & Scott Wessell

Dessert Reception

Student Messages

God has changed my life so much he has shown me that I can trust in him in the
good , bad and tough times. That he will provide my every need if I just believe in him. Also God has shown me that I’m loved, chosen, and needed. I have grown so much during my time here at IMPACT through addictions, anxiety, depression and fear and it feels like I have been made new as a child of God!!!
The period of IMPACT has been the most transformational season of my life. Have grown in my understanding of who God is. impact gave me a purpose of what I can do with my life for God. And am ready to step into Gods calling for me.
Jesus taught me how to deny myself so that He can live through me and fulfill his purposes in my life. The greatest honor is to serve the Kingdom of God. It is now the main focus of my life. I am grateful to have been given this revelation through IMPACT.
God did so much in my life in these 9 months! He transformed my mind and my heart from self focus and selfish ambitions to a servanthood mentality, and a focus on winning souls and making disciples. I experienced so much of his mercy and his grace, he is so kind to have let me attend this school, to let me know him more and better, and develop more God centered friendships and family when I had previously been self centered and far from him. He also opened my eyes and heart to my identity in Him and rooted me in who I am in Christ. This school, through studying God's word, through the relationships and through the trips, have deeply transformed who I am, I am a completely different person than the one who started IMPACT last summer!

My struggles have been more internal issues than external. The struggle within was ANGER due to past situations and circumstances. However through IMPACT, I have chosen to be like Paul where he states: “...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13,14) There is no more room for that kind of anger any more.
God been good in my life. His grace is sufficient through the good and bad 2 Cor 12:9-11,15. Also God showed me how close we grew together at IMPACT and we love each other dearly.
Shalom, If there is anything I would take with me after IMPACT School of Discipleship is that it’s OK to not be who you think you need to be. But, it’s never OK to not be who who God intended you to be. “Im a Child of God and I can do all things in Christ that strengthens me.” So, be who you were intended to be in God!
When I became a Christian a year ago, God led me to this church, and to the IMPACT School of Discipleship. It solidified my Christian faith. The knowledge and experience were way beyond what I expected. And I know that He will continue to guide me, in this path of righteousness.