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How to Destress Your Christmas
"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!" Isaiah 26:3
Practice Mini-Moments of Peace
- Before you get out of bed in the morning, tell God 3 things that you are thankful for today.
- Before you drive somewhere, take 30 seconds and sit quietly with God before putting it into gear (great time to teach your kids to sit quietly for 30 seconds)
- Stop and say this quick prayer for everyone who sends you a Christmas card -- "Father, thank you for the blessing of this person in my life. Please bless them with a sense of your presence this Christmas. In Jesus name, amen."
- Set a daily "Minute with Jesus" alarm on your phone. When the alarm goes off, take a minute to stop and tell Jesus how much you love Him.

Be Purposeful About Get-Togethers
- Decide in advance what is most important for you this Christmas (circle one or add your own)
- Establish meaningful traditions
- Have quality time with family and friends
- Affirm friendships and tell others how important they are to you
- Share Jesus with those who don't know Him yet
- Other:
- Only commit to get-togethers that fit what is truly important (see above)
Empower yourself to say "no" by having a more meaningful "yes" - Choose in advance how many Christmas activities you'll commit to attend
- Once all the slots are full, you say, "I'm sorry, we'd love to come but we are already booked solid."
Develop an Attitude of Gratitude
- Keep a gratitude journal to reflect on the blessings of the season
- Have a Gratitude Jar on the table for December
- What is a Gratitude Jar? A gratitude jar is a container that holds reminders and memories of things that you and your family are thankful for. Gratitude jars can help your family to be mindful of the good things that God gives us day-to-day, and they can teach your kids the importance of reflecting on His goodness.
- Share gratitude with others through acts of kindness and generosity

Schedule Time to Rest
- Set a holiday bed time for yourself (guard against a lot of late nights)
- Plan a couple of "Buffer Days" where you have nothing on the calendar
- This will allow you to catch up on things or have a pajama day
- Go for a walk around the neighborhood as a couple/family/with friends after dinner a couple times a week
- This is also a great way to burn off some of the holiday sweets
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, He (Jesus) said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'" Mark 6:31
SURVIVING Family drama
How to Keep Family Gatherings Conflict Free(ish)
"As much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:18

Set Some Ground Rules (for yourself)
- You don't need to win ANY arguments
- Remember, it's wiser to lose an argument than to lose a relationship
- Practice Hands Free Dining
- Keeping phones put away encourages everyone to be present
- Be a Duck (not a sponge)
- Don't absorb annoying comments, just let them roll off your back.
- Celebrate differences and find common ground,
- Focus on finding common experiences and shared joys
Pray for Your Family Members in Advance
- Make a list of family members you will interact with this Christmas
- Rate your potential for conflict with them from 1 (none) to 5 (high)
- Ask God to search your heart for any lingering resentment or unforgiveness
- Reflect on Jesus' forgiveness for you and ask Him to help you extend that same forgiveness toward them
- Finally, pray for God's blessing on them and their life
"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy." Philippians 1:3-4

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
Be a Gracious Communicator
- Give everyone a conversational SNACK:
- Smile - this is the best way to start a conversation on a positive note
- Name - everyone loves being called by their first name
- Ask a Question - What is your favorite thing about this season?
- Compliment - I love your outfit,
- Keep it short - move on to others. Remember it is a snack, not a meal
- Try using these phrases when conversations get tense or heated:
- "Help me understand why this is so important to you"
- "I hear you, and I appreciate your perspective" (no "but" at the end)
- "We're different people, it's okay to have different opinions"
- "Let's take a break and revisit this later"
- "I value you and our relationship more than this topic"
SURVIVING Financial pressure
How to Honor God with Your Spending
"Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6
Set a Realistic Budget ... and Stick To It!
- Assess Finances and Set Clear Limits: Evaluate your financial situation, determining how much you can allocate for Christmas expenses. Set specific spending limits for gifts, decorations, and other categories.
- Prioritize and Plan: Prioritize your expenses based on importance and allocate budget accordingly. Create a gift list with specific budgets for each person. Plan festive activities and explore cost-effective options.
- Track and Adjust in Real-Time: Monitor spending in real-time using our online Christmas Planner. Regularly review your budget, making adjustments if needed.
"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? " Luke 14:28

Try Our Online Christmas Planner
- Simplify your holiday planning with our Christmas Planner on Google Sheets!
- This comprehensive organizer has 4 tabs:
- Christmas Budget & Gift Tracker: plan and allocate funds for gifts, decorations, and all the festive essentials
- Christmas Card Tracker: Send out the Gospel Message through Christmas Cards
- Christmas Calendar: plan and coordinate your holiday events and family gatherings
- Christmas Weekend Itinerary: Get organized with the 5 Days surrounding Christmas
Cultivate a Heart of Contentment & Generosity
- Make a "Giveaway List" instead of a "Wish List"
- Walk through your home and choose 10 things to give away to friends
- Go through your closet and give away excess clothing to a charity
- Volunteer Serving those who are less fortunate
- Being around those who are less fortunate around the holidays is a great way to be reminded of how abundant our lives already are

SURVIVING materialism
How to Give Gifts that Really Matter
"Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15
Learn People's Love Language
- Take the Love Languages Quiz Together:
- Start by taking the Love Languages quiz as a family. This quick activity provides insights into each member's primary love language.
- Compile a Love Language List:
- Ask friends if they know their love language. If they don't invite them to take the quiz.
- Create a list family and friend's love language. This list serves as a reference when picking Christmas gifts.(You can use the Online Christmas Planner to track this.)
- Incorporate Love Languages into Gift Selection:
- Whether it's planning quality time activities, personalizing wrapping, or focusing on acts of service, align gifts with each person's unique preferences.

Give Gifts that Speak Love
- This will take a little time and effort, but consider making a list of people you will give gifts to by their love language:
- Give the gift of Words of Affirmation
- Handwritten notes, voice text, book with a written inscription inside, engraved jewelry
- Give the gift of Quality Time
- Coffee together, The Adventure Book/Box Subscription (couples), invite over for dinner, escape room
- Give the gift of Acts of Service
- Fresh baked anything, coupon booklet, house cleaning, help with a project, car wash/detail,
- Give the gift of Physical Touch
- Cozy blanket, hugs, holding hands, go dancing (take lessons), cuddle movie night, touch bracelets, massage
- Give the gift of Giving
- Something handmade, personalized, cash
- Give the gift of Words of Affirmation
SURVIVING empty traditions
How to Establish Jesus-Centered Traditions
"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you." Romans 12:2
Decorate a Jesus Tree
Instead of making your Christmas tree about Santa, snow men and reindeer, try making it about Jesus. Here's how you can do it:
- Make or Buy Jesus Ornaments: Craft or purchase ornaments that represent elements of the nativity story. Ideas include names of Jesus, angels, shepherds, the star, the manger, and the wise men. You can also find ornaments featuring biblical verses.
- Involve the kids: in making homemade ornaments. Use simple materials like paper, clay, or felt to create angels, stars, or other nativity symbols. This adds a personal touch and makes the tree more meaningful as the years go by.
- Include a Christ-Centered Tree Topper: Choose a tree topper that reflects the focus on Jesus, such as a star or an angel. This becomes a visual reminder of the central theme of the tree.

Add an Advent Calendar to Your Christmas Traditions
This Christmas, consider adding an Advent Calendar to your traditions to daily focus on Jesus in the lead-up to Christmas morning. Here's how you can do it:
- Choose or Create an Advent Calendar: Select or craft an Advent Calendar that aligns with your family's style. You can purchase one with pockets, doors, or slots, or create a simple DIY version.
- Start on December 1st (or as close to it as you can): Start counting down the days until Christmas. Each day reveals a new reflection related to Jesus and the Christmas story.
- Read the Christmas Story on Christmas Morning: Read the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 2) before any presents are opened. This helps refocus attention on the true meaning of Christmas.
Send Out Jesus-Focused Christmas Cards
This Christmas, let's shift our focus from the typical self-centered holiday cards to ones that share the timeless message of Jesus' love. Here's how:
- Select a Christ-Centered Design: Choose Christmas card designs that feature biblical verses, or imagery related to the Nativity. Ensure the design reflects the true meaning of Christmas.
- Craft a Jesus Message: Instead of highlighting personal achievements or updates, center your message around the love and joy that Jesus brings.
- Include a Bible Verse: Incorporate a verse from the Gospels that captures the essence of Christmas, such as Luke 2:10-11 or Matthew 1:23.
- Encourage Kids' Involvement: Turn this into a family activity by involving your kids in the card-making process. Let them draw or write messages that express the joy of Jesus' love. This not only creates cherished memories but also reinforces the true meaning of Christmas for them.
- Include an Invitation: Extend an invitation to join your family for one of our Christmas Eve Service at 10:00 AM or 5:00 PM

SURVIVING loneliness
How to Foster Meaningful Connections
Proactively Engage with Others (don't wait to be invited)
- Reach Out to 25 Loved Ones:
- Make a list of 25 friends or family you want to connect with (one a day till Christmas). Take the initiative to contact them through a phone call, video chat, or in-person.
- Volunteer or Join Community Events:
- Volunteer with a local charity to help with their Christmas programs/drives.
- Join a Christmas Choir, musical or play. This not only provides a sense of purpose but also offers opportunities to meet new people and build connections.
- Attend Church Gatherings & invite someone along:
- Come to all the church events you can and invite others to come with you.

Embrace the Gift of Solitude with God
- Book a day just to be alone with Jesus
- Retreat to a peaceful location (in nature, at a mission, or a quiet day at home) and create an intentional and undisturbed space for solitude and prayer.
- Listen to Uplifting Music or Sermons:
- Immerse yourself in the music that celebrates Jesus, and listen to sermons that emphasize the significance of His birth.
- Create a Christmas Prayer Journal:
- Start a Christmas prayer journal where you document your thoughts, prayers, and reflections during this season