Have you been Cross-ified?

The cross is more than just a symbol we wear as jewelry or tattoo on our bodies. It's the key to Christian life. In Galatians 2:20, Paul shares the incredible truth that when we put our faith in Jesus, we become “crucified with crucified with Christ,” and it is no longer we who live, “but Christ lives in me.”

The root word for “crucified” in Greek is “cross.” We are literally "cross-ified" with Jesus. This means that, by faith, all the effects of the cross apply to our lives in some incredible ways.

Firstly, when we are "cross-ified" with Christ, our sins are forgiven. On the cross, Jesus became our sin. All our past failures, rebellions, regrets, shame, and guilt were nailed with Him there. He paid the penalty and satisfied the wrath of God for us. That means God’s not mad at us, and we are no longer living under His judgment.

Secondly, being “cross-ified” means we’ve left our old life behind. We are no longer trapped in a broken way of thinking and acting. We aren’t chained to old fears, insecurities, or doubts. We are no longer victims, failures, or prisoners of our past; we are conquerors, overcomers, and free in Christ. Our self-absorbed life is dead and buried. We’ve been set free from a life that’s all about “Me.”

Thirdly, being “cross-ified” is about embracing Jesus’ life. Paul said, “It's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.” Jesus died and rose again, not just so we could live, but so that He could live in us. This is the key to the Christian life! We aren’t doing our best to live like Jesus. We are trusting Jesus to live His life in us and through us.

Being "cross-ified" with Christ is a game-changing, life-transforming reality for every believer. It becomes the lens through which we see life. All the effects of the cross—forgiveness, new identity, and Jesus living in us—become the powerful and profound reality in our everyday lives. 

So, do you see yourself as “Cross-ified” with Christ?
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