Are You In?

We all love to be on the inside of something special, whether it’s an exclusive group, a special event, or a unique opportunity. The most incredible opportunity to be on the “In” is described for us by Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:30. It says…

“But of Him (God) you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.” 

Being in Christ is something that is only possible by invitation. Only God can cause you to be in Christ. You can’t earn it, deserve it, or choose it for yourself. Without the proactive calling of God, no one would be in! 

But what does it mean to be “in Christ?” Paul uses three words to describe the wisdom of God in putting us in Christ—righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Let’s take a quick look at the incredible significance of each one of these words. 

When we are in Jesus, God gives us His righteousness as a gift. This forever changes our status with God. He no longer sees us as miserable, rotten sinners but as enveloped in Jesus’ righteousness. This gives us the status of divinely loved and accepted children of God. But that’s not the full extent of God’s gift of being in Christ!

Being in Christ also results in our sanctification. Most people think of sanctification as primarily a change in behavior. But sanctification is really about a change in relationship with God. Sanctification is not the process of becoming a better person. It is the process of being closer to God. With our newfound status as beloved children, we are set apart from guilt and shame and invited into a privileged place of intimacy with God. 

Redemption refers to the change in belonging. Before we were in Christ, we were all on our own. Being in Christ means we now belong to God. Being on our own resulted in sin, slavery, and death. Being in Christ results in righteousness, sonship, and life. We are no longer strangers standing on the fringe, hoping to be included. We are in! We have a place! We belong! 

Being in Christ is what being a Christian is all about. Are you in?
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