A Surprising First

Firsts are almost always a big deal. They form some of our most powerful memories and can even shape the course of things to come.  What are some of your most memorable firsts? First pet, first day of school, first job, first love, first kiss, first time living on your own, etc. 

In John chapter 2 we get to see Jesus’ very first miracle. Remember, Jesus had eternity to plan His life and ministry and He only did the Father’s will. So what memorable first miracle did the Trinity plan? At a local wedding that had run out of wine, Jesus supernaturally turned six containers of water into the equivalent of 900 bottles (180 gallons) of the best wine ever! 


What’s even more surprising is that John tells us in 2:11, “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and His disciples believed in Him.” This miracle didn’t just meet a practical need, it also purposefully revealed something glorious about God that caused people to put their faith in Jesus!

So what does this first miracle show us about God’s glory? Well, it’s significant that Jesus didn’t perform His first miracle at the synagogue or the Temple, but at a local wedding. It wasn't focused on deliverance (like healing or casting out demons) but on celebrating covenantal love. 

Jesus’ first miracle was His opening declaration about the incomparable joy of being in a loving, covenantal relationship with God! 

In a world that’s run out of joy, Jesus transforms the mundane into something miraculous! He fills our empty lives with His supernatural joy! And He doesn’t just give a little bit of joy, He provides an over-abundance of “joy inexpressible and full of glory.” (1 Peter 1:8)  

Jesus’ first miracle offers a great heart check for us as His followers. Joy should be one of the “firsts” that people get from us. Are we bringing the joy of a Jesus-filled life or the sour grapes of a self-focused and discontented one? 

Ask God to make your life a source of supernatural joy that causes people to believe in Him!
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