The Most Radical Thing Jesus Ever Said

Jesus said a lot of amazing and profound things. But there’s one that tops them all – “I AM.” 

In John’s Gospel, Jesus reveals His divine identity through a series of profound "I AM" statements. The first occurrence is in John 4:26, where Jesus reveals His identity to the woman at the well. In the Greek He literally says to her, “I AM speaks to you.” In order to truly grasp the significance of this, we need to take a trip back in time to the book of Exodus.

In Exodus 3:14, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and revealed His name, saying, "I AM WHO I AM.” God’s name is more than just an identifier, it is a definitive statement about who He is. The name "I AM" shows us that God is the self-sufficient and ever-present One, who exists beyond time and space, and is sovereign over everything.

Now, let’s fast-forward back to Jesus' ministry and make the connection between His "I AM" declarations and the name God revealed to Moses. In addition to Jesus’ revelation to the woman at the well, there are two more occasions when Jesus refers to Himself simply as “I AM. 

”In John 8:58, Jesus boldly claimed, "Before Abraham was born, I AM!" By using this phrase, Jesus declared His eternal existence and revealed His divine nature as the second person of the Trinity. It was so radical that those present immediately tried to stone Him.

In John 18:4-5, when the soldiers came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, He replied, "I AM." The statement was so radically powerful that it caused everyone to fall backward on the ground. The power of Jesus’ declaration emphasized His divine identity and authority.

Jesus made seven more “I AM” statements in the Gospel of John that each revealed a different aspect of His nature, character and purpose. But the one unmistakable theme they all have in common is the assertion that Jesus is God incarnate, the eternal and unchanging One who has come to dwell among us. 

Jesus isn’t just a carpenter, teacher, miracle worker or even a savior – He is the great I AM!

Have you fully embraced that truth?
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