Poisoned By The Snake

The people grew impatient with the long journey, and they began to speak against God … So the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people, and many were bitten and died.
Numbers 21:4-6

In today’s passage we see the Israelites start to complain against God. They begin to question both His motives and His provision. So God sent poisonous snakes to bite the people and inject them with venom. Once bitten, the poison would spread throughout the body until it eventually killed the person. It's interesting that it wasn’t the severity of the wound that killed them but the toxicity of the poison. God was physically illustrating to His people what had already happened to them spiritually.They had been bitten by the devil (usually an isolated wound or hurt) and his venom of discouragement, dissatisfaction and distrust was spreading through them into the community. It was killing their faith and their joy. The good news is that all they had to do was look in faith at the bronze serpent in faith and be healed. 

Has the devil bitten you through discouragement or disappointment? Are you allowing any isolated wounds to become the source of toxic venom spreading through your system?

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