Have You Lost Your Appetite?

“But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”
Numbers 11:4

Manna was pretty amazing when you think about it – Every day God gave them bread from heaven that they didn’t have to plant, grow, harvest or store and there was always an abundance of it. But sometimes the more abundant something is, the less we appreciate it. This is exactly what happened with the Israelites. Over time they grew tired of bread from heaven and started craving food from Egypt.

Jesus told us that He is the bread that came down from heaven (John 6:49-51). It’s incredible to think about just how much access we have to Jesus through His Word. With hundreds of amazing podcasts, insightful posts, inspiring sermons, Bible reading apps and daily devotionals right at our fingertips, it’s literally like manna just lying around on the ground everyday ready to be picked up and consumed. But, just like the Israelites, with all that access we sometimes lose our hunger for connecting with Jesus. As a result we stop being hungry for His righteousness and start craving worldly soul food.  

What about you? Have you lost your appetite for the Bread of Life in the daily grind of life?  

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