Are You Living by Faith or Feelings?

We live in a culture that in many ways is driven by personal gratification and the pursuit of happiness. We’re told to “follow your heart”, “do what makes you happy” and “if it feels good, do it.” If we succumb to that mindset then we will end up elevating the value of our feelings and allowing them to become the main validator behind the majority of our decisions. 

But God gives Habakkuk a completely different prescription for living. He tells him, “Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4).  When we start to believe that our feelings are more trustworthy than God’s promises it is an indicator that we’ve become proud and our perspective has actually turned upside down. 

Here’s the reality, our feelings are often fickle and subject to change but God is not. Our feelings can be based on faulty assumptions or ingrained bias, triggered by our past experiences, and even manipulated by others. God on the other hand is perfect, holy, wise, just and unchanging. If we rely solely on our feelings, we become vulnerable to being led astray by them. That’s why it’s so important that we learn to live by faith in God, not gut feelings. 

Living by faith means choosing to trust in God's promises over our own perceptions. It is a deliberate decision to value His holiness above our own happiness. Living by faith does not mean denying our emotions or disregarding our wellbeing, but it is choosing to subject them to the authority of God's Word. It is allowing our faith to inform our feelings, rather than letting our feelings dictate our faith.

Living by faith often means stepping into the unknown, trusting God even when we cannot see the way ahead. It means surrendering our desire for control and instead embracing God's perfect plan, even when it seems counterintuitive or challenging.

So, let’s trust in God’s Word, even when our feelings or circumstances may tempt us to doubt. Let’s be intentional about seeking God's truth, relying on His promises, and trusting in His character.  

Let’s be people who live by faith, not by feelings!
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