Food Trucks & Faith

Have you ever eaten at a good food truck? They can be really amazing! Part of what makes them great is that they typically show up in a neighborhood where there aren’t a lot of food options and deliver amazing meals to hungry customers. But imagine if you went up to a food truck and the owner informed you that they didn’t have anything to share because they exist just to serve themselves. 

Sounds absurd, right? But often we treat God’s word as simply a meal we receive. It nourishes us for the day and keeps us healthy and strong spiritually. Instead we need to realize that God’s word is more like a food truck, and we’ve been given with the clear instructions to show up in unexpected places and share Jesus’ love, grace and truth to hungry souls free of charge. 

God’s word has a dual function in our lives. It challenges us to grow personally in our relationship with Jesus and it also compels us to go and share His message of salvation with others. We see this principle working out clearly in Jonah’s life. “The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim the message I give you.” Jonah obeyed the word of the Lord and went to Nineveh” (Jonah 3:1-3). 

Maybe, like Jonah, you were initially resistant to go share Jesus with others. But God’s word keeps coming to us and challenging us to “Go make disciples…” (Matthew 28:19-20), “Go preach the gospel…”  (Mark 16:15), and “Go proclaim the kingdom…” (Luke 9:60). Like a food truck, God’s word is meant to be taken to our neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities. And like Jonah, if we are obedient to go, we can have an incredible impact on the lives of those around us who are spiritually hungry for God’s love and grace.  

To whom is God calling you to deliver His life-giving message today?
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